Welcome to The Cauldron Chronicles, a written-based podcast where we evoke Cerridwen’s magickal cauldron of inspiration and transformation. Here, we blend wisdom, stories, and sacred practices to guide you on your journey of self-discovery and growth. Together, let’s stir the cauldron and see what truths rise to the surface.
A week or two ago I mentioned to my fiancé that my favorite pair of boots are starting to wear our and that I needed to try and find a new pair. I'm an avid online shopper - I actually hate shopping in person - but hadn't given my boot situation another thought since. Well, just the other day I had intended to run to the grocery store for some last minute items before Thanksgiving when I got a hint that I should stop at the nearby Wal-Mart and look for a pair of boots. The hint kept coming and so, as I was about to leave, I decided, "What the hell! I'm going to go to Wal-Mart and look for a pair of boots." I never buy shoes at Wal-Mart and really don't even ever go to Wal-Mart so this was an out of the norm thing for me but, I decided to listen.
I hopped in the car, turned up my Latin music to prepare for my car concert - something that truly lights up my spirit - and headed to Wal-Mart. As I was merging onto the highway full of busy morning traffic, there wasn't an opening and the car in front of me was driving like a snail. I yelled out to my angels to open a spot for me and, just like that, the car next to me quickly merged into the other lane and I had my opening. Although I was still stuck behind Slow-Mo McGee, I was safely in a driving lane and was finally able to focus on the car concert I was about to perform - safely of course.
I was getting close to my final destination when, all of a sudden, a huge hawk soared directly above me, like 5 feet above me, from one side of the underpass to the other. What a sight! Hawks are associated with Cerridwen and symbolize intentions and powers ranging from clairvoyance, messages and omens, psychic ability, and more. I definitely saw this as a sign that my angels and guides were with me and that something magickal was about to happen. Hopefully a new pair of boots!
Upon arriving at Wal-Mart feeling full of inspiration and joy, I found the perfect parking spot. Thank you angels! Another answered request. I walked in, headed straight for the shoes and, within a minute, had ended right at four pairs of boots that looked almost exactly like my favorite pair but even better! Finding my size is always the next major feat but one of the four pairs was a size 6. I wanted to be sure and so I tried them on and they were absolutely perfect. Thank you angels, AGAIN! I was out within 5 minutes and successfully completed the remainder of my outing.
Working more closely with angels and guides in this way is actually somewhat new to me. I honor the Goddess Cerridwen and talk with her regularly but had grown a blind spot to the everyday spirits that I have access to - that we ALL have access to - and they speak to us through our intuition. While I am still practicing my intuition when working with Cerridwen, I am missing out on the thing I want most which is to live my best, most magickal life and that means finding as many ways as possible that I can LIVE it, moment to moment, magickally. Working more with my spirit guides and angels has done precisely that and I am already experiencing the benefits. It allows me to work on receiving and being more in the Divine Feminine which is an area of mine that needs constant tending to, and enhance my intuition which, quite frankly, just makes life a hell of a lot easier and way more exciting and magickal.
Now, intuition is something we ALL have, we all have access to, and we all are meant to be following in order to fulfill our purpose in this lifetime in the most magickal and creative of ways. Like one gigantic piece of art, your life paints a picture and tells the story of you. It reflects your spirit and your very essence and so to not live life in this way - by following your intuition - where are you even being lead? Are you happy in your career? In your relationships? In your life? Where are you unhappy? what's not working? Because that - what's not working - is where somewhere along the way you didn't listen to your intuition. You higher knowing. Your spirit guides and angels. The Divine. Somewhere along the way you listened to your head or perhaps others.
So what now? Well, it starts with reconnecting to spirit which you can do by finding activities that give you that feeling of brightness, joy, connectedness, and bliss. What activities are rejuvenating to you, or do you get lost in? What lights up your spirit? Perhaps it's dancing, singing, writing poetry, painting, walking, or driving down the highway putting on a car concert. Whatever it is, do it. Then do more of it. Nurture it. Tend to it because your connection to spirit is what paves the way for being able to live life intuitively.
Next, incorporate communication with your angels and guides, with spirit, with the Divine, as often throughout your day as you can! Pray! Talk to them out loud. Engage in the relationship because it does go both ways. The more you reach out, the more readily available they will be to help you and guide you through a life of joy and ease. Make it normal! I have started talking out loud to my angels and guides as frequently as I think to. I still have to get over that hurdle of doing it in front of others and fear of judgment - I'm only human - but I'm a work in progress as each and every one of us are and it's a beautiful albeit challenging process that leaves us all the better.
Lastly, pay attention! Your angels and guides will speak to you through a variety of mediums. Sometimes it will be through books, synchronicities, and other people, but they also will communicate through your intuition which is extremely subtle until you become more familiar with it, and even then. In fact, they likely speak to you there first and only use other methods when you're not getting the hint. That's just my guess and not a hard and fast rule. Regardless, be sure to listen. This means having quiet time or doing tasks that you get lost in. For Sonia Choquette, it's ironing. For me, it's walking in nature. For you, it might be something entirely different. Turn off the inputs and be sure to have time every day to hear what your intuition is saying. Way easier said than done but it's good for us anyway.
To put this into practice this week, do something that lights up your spirit, then ask your angels and guides for something simple. It could be your favorite parking spot at the grocery store, an animal encounter of some kind like the hawk that my angels spoke to me through, or leave it up to them. Then wait, watch, and listen. What unfolds? The more you practice, the easier it becomes!
That about wraps us up for this episode of The Cauldron Chronicles. Remember, every step into self-awareness is a step toward wholeness into your highest, most magickal self. Leave a comment and share your questions or thoughts!
Until next week! Blessed be!
Love this 💜