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Cerridwen's Grove

A Written Podcast on Learning How to Successfully Manifest Your Heart's True Desires and Getting Started

a witch in front of a wooden altar table full of lit candles in a forest under a full moon

Welcome to The Cauldron Chronicles, a written-based podcast where we evoke Cerridwen’s magickal cauldron of inspiration and transformation. Here, we blend wisdom, stories, and sacred practices to guide you on your journey of self-discovery and growth. Together, let’s stir the cauldron and see what truths rise to the surface.


I keep my phone on silent every night when I go to bed because sleep is very important to me, and my daughter loves to text me during her late-night, waking hours with my almost 9 month old granddaughter. Anyone who has kids knows exactly what I'm talking about. Sleep, one of the most important wellness tools, is completely disrupted when you have a baby. It's something we parents all experience and can't wait to get back on track. As she progresses through her own life as a new, sleep-deprived mom, I wake up almost every morning with messages from her which quite honestly lights me up. There's nothing like getting random texts from your kids even if it's in the middle of the night - supposing nothing is wrong!

Anyway, this morning's text which was sent at 12:12am reads, "Can you teach me how to manifest?" The thing is, my daughter is an incredible manifester. She also has a very strong intuition, one that she hears very clearly and even speaks out loud. So what's the problem? She gets in her own way and, if I were to be entirely honest, I would say she probably gets it from me. I believe to be very much the same. I believe I am actually quite powerful but I get in my own way as many or most of us truthfully do. What about you? When is the last time you manifested something in your life successfully? Are you even paying attention? Are you using this ability to create a life you love or have you forgotten about it, don't believe in it, or don't trust it?

The advice I gave her is the advice I offer to myself and is the same advice I would offer to just about anyone. If you want to manifest you have to practice two things in particular. First, you have to be willing to hear AND LISTEN TO your intuition, angels, and guides, once you ask for something! It's like asking for an answer, getting it, and saying, "But no, not that one.". Instead, you wait for something you're willing and comfortable to except. You are fulfilling your own prophecy because you probably also believe your manifestation abilities "don't work" when really you're just not holding up your end of the bargain. When you ask the Universe for something, it ALWAYS responds. That is the mere nature of all things - with every action there is a reaction. With every request to the universe (action) there is a response (reaction). If you believe you're unable to manifest or that you lack these abilities only special others seem to have, then you're probably just not paying attention. That, or you're doing this next thing.

If you are one that does attempt to manifest and truly feels as though you are doing your absolute best, you might fall into this category. Let me ask you this, how often do you have a desire and rather than spending your imaginative energy envisioning having what it is you desire, you end up thinking about how much you "want" it. In other words, you are conjuring up an experience of want, rather than envisioning your desire being real. For some and to the extreme, this can even look like major stress and depression about not having the thing, where you end up living from an energy space of "lack" and "being without". The energy you conjure up emotionally, is what influences your energetic field and that's what's doing your attracting work. You will then just continue to attract lack and being without, and other low-level things. This is where being mindful, present, and intentional really matters. You need to be mindful of what your mind and ego are spending their time on, be present in the moment, and intentionally use your mind's ability to creatively imagine and envision your desire being manifested.

When you envision yourself having, being, or doing whatever it is you desire and wish to manifest, notice how it feels. What emotions are present? Feed and fuel them as often as you can by reimagining it over and over. How do you feel with this desire manifested? Are you full of joy? Love? Fulfillment? Get lost in your imagination because the better you can envision it and the more emotionally involved you are, the stronger your power and ability to successfully manifest it. There is a cosmic law that whatever is manifested in the astral plane must be manifested in the physical plane. The power to manifest just exists and for all of us. You are no different than anyone else, it's just about learning how to work within these energetic laws and you can. Anyone can if they truly want to.

To wrap up this episode, I'd like to leave you with a few things to think about and two tools to help you to begin manifesting your desires right away.

First, some thought prompts:

How is your relationship with your manifesting abilities?

Do you believe in your abilities, why or why not?

If you believe your ability to manifest doesn't work, why do you think that is?

Are you willing to listen to your intuition even if it requires change?

Now, the tools.

Know what you want.

What do you want? What aspects of your life aren't quite up to par and what to you want them to look and feel like instead? What would be fulfilling for you? Make a list of all of these things. These are your desires and know that you can update, add, or remove from this list anytime it feels appropriate to do so. Energy is ever-changing and so will your desires be as you gain new information and experience and become more authentic.

Manage your mind and ego.

Your mind and ego will want to get in the way. We ALL deal with this so don't take it personally if yours seem particularly out of control - mine are too. To combat this and to leash these babies up, I love using the phrase, "This or something better." When my ego starts getting afraid, questioning if I'm good enough or powerful enough, or worrying in any way, I simply repeat either out loud or to myself, "This or something better." This reminds my mind and ego that this isn't their territory. I don't need my intellect to analyze anything or find any logic. I presented a desire to the Universe, the Universe will respond, I want it to respond in the best way and so my only responsibility is to maintain the proper energy. That means quieting the ego, shutting it down, and remaining in a place of receiving this (your desire), or something better in case the Universe does have something better in store for you.

When you're ready to begin manifesting, simply state it as so! Don't just want your desire, know it to already be true. I recommend speaking out loud and using the power and energy of your voice, though you can also write it down in a journal which I HIGHLY recommend doing as well. This allows you to track your requests and progress and see for yourself just how powerful you are. Then repeat in your mind as often as needed, "This or something better." Then PAY ATTENTION. Notice things in your life that aren't aligned with your how your manifested desires look and feel, and ask your angels and guides for opportunities to improve them. Be mindful of communication from the Universe which may come through synchronicities, signs, in books, through music, or from other people including strangers. Become an observer and when life gives you an intuitive hint, even if it requires change, be sure to listen. Don't let your ego run rampant questioning it - because it will - just respond and see what happens, then update your journal entry. The more you work on this, the better you'll become at reading life and the more ease you will have at using your natural innate magickal abilities.


That about wraps us up for this episode of The Cauldron Chronicles. Remember, every step into self-awareness is a step toward wholeness into your highest, most magickal self. Leave a comment and share your questions or thoughts!

Until next week! Blessed be!


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