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Cerridwen's Grove

A Written Podcast on What Even is Self-Love, Why and How to Make it a Lifestyle, and a Ritual to Reconnect

a witch in an old cottage standing in front of a magick mirror

Welcome to The Cauldron Chronicles, a written-based podcast where we evoke Cerridwen’s magickal cauldron of inspiration and transformation. Here, we blend wisdom, stories, and sacred practices to guide you on your journey of self-discovery and growth. Together, let’s stir the cauldron and see what truths rise to the surface.


In our last episode I shared a story about switching nail salons as a means to fulfill my purpose in this lifetime. While discussing pedicures, manicures, or even boots - from a previous episode also - doesn't sound like the most spiritual thing at face value, both of those previous scenarios are very much tied to our theme as they are all forms of self-care which is how we give ourselves love. Not to mention how spirit led me to both of the boots and the nail salon! That aside, there's a part of me when I get my nails done or when I bought those boots, that feels guilty and undeserving of such luxuries or pampering. Do you ever feel that way? Guilty for doing something for yourself? Many of us do and it's no surprise why as we live in such a fast-paced world that values work and productivity above all else. The thing is, lacking a true sense of self-love in your life is extremely disconnecting and disempowering. Both things that will effect your abilities to hear your intuition and to manifest your intentions.

Let's first define what self-care and self-love are. Self-care is the small intentional behaviors, the choices, the habits, the routines, and the overall way we live life moment to moment to moment. Every action, every choice, is either aligned with your best interest and well-being or not. For example, you could choose to spend 30 minutes scrolling through your phone and feeling like shit for it, or 30 minutes exercising and feeling like a boss. You could choose to give all of yourself to everyone else and feel lost and depleted, or you could learn to say no and feel full of life, energy, and connectedness. You could choose to stay up late watching TV and lack focus the next day and never achieve your goals, or you could have self-discipline and go to bed on time and have a productive day that leaves you feeling confident and accomplished. Each choice is toward or further away from love which connects us to the source of life. If we truly want to practice self-love, we must create a lifestyle out of it by making choices aligned with self-care, or what it is that will nourish us in body, mind, and spirit. It is no different than what it takes to have a healthy relationship with your partner or your best friend. It requires consistent nurture and nourishment in order to thrive. And when it thrives, it's the most beautiful thing.

So, what now? If you're anywhere like I was even just a few years ago, you're stuck in a job you hate, you either barely have friends or the ones you have are less than fulfilling, your life lacks passion and pizazz, your relationship sucks or maybe you can't find a partner, and you may even flat out feel like you hate yourself and your entire existence. Then again, maybe your situation isn't quite as extreme but then again maybe it is. Regardless, there are likely at least areas in your life that are less than fulfilling to the extent of being complete poison to your whole life. Those are the areas that are lacking some form of self-care and therefore they are lacking a blood-supply to love and life itself. They're suffering and you're experiencing it through your sense of unfulfillment or dissatisfaction, or worse. So, what are these areas? Where in your life do you feel dissatisfied or unfulfilled? Discontent? How mild or severe is it? I say whatever you label as severe needs a change ASAP. The longer you hold onto what isn't good for you, the longer you pro-long your suffering, the further you become from your spirit. This is how your power weakens because you are simply disconnected.

To re-align these areas of your life you have to be willing to be uncomfortable because change is going to be required of you. This might be letting go of a long-term unhealthy relationship, losing people you thought were your friends, detaching from family members, completely changing your career path, or more mild changes like a new hair cut and color or clothing style that is more authentic to you. In either case, there's going to be an obstacle of fear to overcome. Becoming more authentic and aligned is scary because we become more vulnerable to rejection, loss, or confrontation of which many of us are deeply afraid. Know this fear is there and just proceed anyway. You can be scared and still do the thing. I feel guilty getting my nails done but I still go and I just continue to work on allowing myself to feel blessed by and deserving of it. You can do this too. Over time, your mind learns that there's nothing to be afraid of or feel guilty for and those feelings lessen. You ARE truly blessed by what the Universe shifts in your life, toward you and away from you, when you become authentic and realigned and reconnected with your spirit.

What will ultimately happen is some sort of upheaval either in a specific area of your life or multiple areas - whichever need a shift. If you stick with it, your life will begin to align and unfold beautifully. You will reconnect with your spirit through love and therefore with The Divine. When this happens, you and your life become magickal as they were always intended to be. You speak fluently with your intuition, you easily manifest your desires and intentions, and things become a hell of a lot easier. This doesn't mean there aren't challenges in life anymore - there always will be, we are earth students - it just means we are better equipped to deal with them because we recognize that challenges are opportunities to level-up and not the Universe or anyone else's attempt to tear us down. THIS is the knowledge and wisdom that empowers you. Once you know this, everything becomes figureoutable and things always work in your favor.

So how can we scale this down in a way that allows you to begin practicing self-care and self-love immediately? Going through a life upheaval takes time so, to get started, I'd encourage you to do this by reopening the line of communication between you and spirit. Take 5 minutes out of your day today and pray to your angels and guides, or whichever deity you prefer. If you have an altar, do it there. If you don't have an altar, just sit somewhere where you feel safe and comfortable. Light a candle or put some on some meditation music. Close your eyes and focus on your heart center in the center of your chest. Imagine it as a dim light then imagine that light growing and expanding until your entire heart center is lit up. Then pray, out loud if you can. Tell your inner-spirit and your angels and guides or other deity/ies that you are ready to come back home. That you would like to reconnect with them and that you are open and ready to receive their guidance, protection, and love. Keep a journal nearby in case you receive any messages during this ritual. Ask your Divine Source to guide you to opportunities for practicing self-love, then thank them.

As you leave this ritual, know that the line of communication is open. Don't merely wait for replies, continue to talk to your Divine Source throughout your days, before you start your day, when you end your day, and anytime you think of it. Nurture the relationship as any other. Then, be prepared. Your angels and guides will always respond you just have to be paying attention.


That about wraps us up for this episode of The Cauldron Chronicles. Remember, every step into self-awareness is a step toward wholeness into your highest, most magickal self. Leave a comment and share your questions or thoughts!

Until next week! Blessed be!


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