One of the Goddess, Cerridwen's, epithets is Ruler or Patroness of the Bards. Bards are the story-tellers, singers, and poets of the ancient and even modern Druids and Celts. Bards are especially skilled in using the power of language and words to convey just about anything. As Ruler or Patroness of this group of story-telling individuals, it is no surprise that rhymes and spoken incantations are a theme throughout spells and rituals held in honor of or in request of the power of Cerridwen.
In every ritual, spell, or otherwise magickal rite that I write pertaining to the Goddess Cerridwen, I always incorporate a rhyming incantation. While rhyming is not a requirement, it does help strengthen the words as, when spoken, there is a rhythm which helps the words and energy to flow, allowing us to focus more on feeling while we recite the text, rather than focusing so much on reading or reciting. When energy flows, magick can happen.
Language - written or spoken - is not new or specific to Cerridwen, however. There's known power in words that exists in almost every religion or spiritual path. For example, most know the "om" recited in Buddhism and Hinduism as a way to express connectedness with consciousness. Christians often use the power of reciting bible verses. In Kabbalistic rites, and in rituals such as The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, words of the God names are spoken as vibrations, with extra emphasis on the endings. There are rituals for finding your voice and learning your own unique vibrational tone, the one that is most powerful to you. There are what we know and use as affirmations - powerful words and mantras to combat negative thinking - and so much more. You don't have to be an expert writer, speaker, poet, or story-teller to use the power of written and spoken words. Literally anything will do. What will matter most is that you wrote it yourself and so it is infused with your own energy.
Another nice thing about words is they can be memorized and recalled or recited in a moment's notice which makes them extremely practical forms of magick while being extremely powerful. For this reason I prefer to keep my incantations simple and basic. When I recite memorized words rather than fumbling around with printouts or books, my magick is stronger and much more effective since I am able to focus and be more present with what I'm doing and not distracted by reading during my rite.
You don't have to only write incantations when you want to make a certain spell or ritual! Write a few for practice then consider two things: what does it mean to you and in what context would reciting the words be useful to you in some way? This is what I call an Enchanted Rhyme. An Enchanted Rhyme essentially is a basic rhyme that has meaning and can be used purposefully when recited. Here is an Enchanted Rhyme example that I came up with to describe the commitment one makes when partaking on a self-work journey with Cerridwen:
The Cycle of Transformation
Although the essence of me will never change
I will always seek to transform
To become better tomorrow than I was today
Striving always for more
Being sure to always accept myself as I am
And proud of all I've become so far
Yet never fearing the endless cycle
Of death, rebirth, and reform
The Cycle of Transformation is about being committed to transformation which means being committed to change and adaptation through learning and receiving wisdom as we grow through the trials and errors of life. This is what working with Cerridwen is all about.
This can be recited daily as a self-devotional practice, or as a self-devotional ritual of some kind whenever you feel as though you need to renew your dedication to self.
Give it a shot and see what you can come up with. Once you've come up with one you feel good about, consider what it means to you and how it can be used in your everyday life. Feel free to share it in the comments!