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Cerridwen's Grove

Manifestations Not Working? This Might Be the Problem

a witch standing in a barren forest

I wondered for a long time why certain manifestation attempts of mine weren't working and I was recently told why during my Daily Awen Ritual. If you, too, find that certain manifestations aren't working the way the cosmic laws say they should, you just might have this problem too.

Get out of your own way! This is pretty much what I was told. When I explored this a bit further, the question came to me, "What do I need to work on (within me) for this to manifest?" Immediately I realized that I am what's blocking my own manifestations. Deep-rooted fears, limiting beliefs, and more can significantly stunt your magick. It isn't that I don't actually want what I'm trying to manifest - I definitely do - but these deep, almost hidden fears are strong and they are afraid of what I'm trying to bring into the physical plane. They need healing and, until they get it, THEY don't want what I'm trying to conjure up.

So what now? Awareness is step number one in any kind of healing, shadow work, or growth and development of absolutely any kind. Once you become aware of something, you can deal with it but you can't heal something you're not aware is even there. The key, once you become aware of a shadow aspect is to explore it. Learn not only what these unhealed parts are about or sometimes where they came from, but to understand what it is they need. For me, my unhealed parts need a sense of safety that can only come through allowing myself to be more vulnerable and open to connection with others. What a scary thing for someone that is already scared but, as I say when someone tells me something in shadow work scares them..."That's the way." And so I go.

For deeper conversations about shadow work and how you, too, can engage in your own shadow work journey, check out our new online community, The Grove. Where solitary witches come together for a sense of connection and support as we each walk our own path individually, together. The group is entirely online and does not include any audio or video, making it the perfect community for introverted witches (like me), though all kinds are welcomed and accepted!

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