I checked my email today only to find an announcement from another witch that I follow, Amanda Yates Garcia, saying she was featured in Allure Magazine on a piece called "Witches are the Original Life Coaches". The subtitle reads: "Everyday people are turning to witchcraft in pursuit of wellness. The results, they say, can be life-altering." And wow, can I vouch for that.
At one point I attempted to start a life coaching business. Something about it, however, just didn't feel right to me. I felt as though I had to keep my spiritual beliefs out of it when in actuality it was those very beliefs and practices that were helping me so much. How could I preach authenticity if I wasn't being fully authentic myself? Long story short, here I am now with Cerridwen's Grove where witchcraft and wellness come together so perfectly and I wouldn't have it any other way. It is through this business and online occult store that I hope to use my craft not only for my personal wellness but as a tool for helping others to do the same. #witchcraftforwellness
Check out Amanda Yates Garcia's website here and be sure to subscribe to her blog. If you're interested in the article, you can read it on the Allure website here.