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Request a Spell: Spells as Unique as You and Your Life

No matter how similar your situation may be to that of someone else, you and your life are completely unique so why should your spells be any different? You can use spells of other people and have successful results but, in my experience, completing a spell that is crafted specifically for you and whatever situation you're facing can enhance your power even more.

When I was a young witch - not by age but by experience - I was fortunate to have had a mentor in my life that I could turn to for spiritual guidance and metaphysical services and support as needed. I had no idea how to do much on my own and was hesitant to trust just any metaphysical service or product I came across online. On a couple of occasions, our mentorship dynamic involved my asking for metaphysical services such as spells to help me with some challenging situations I was facing in my life that required spiritual intervention. While I’m sure there are other ‘young' witches out there who may already feel comfortable creating their own spells, many others just like me may prefer to seek assistance from someone more experienced. That is exactly why Cerridwen's Grove offers metaphysical services such as custom-created spells. Not only will you receive a spell designed just for you and your situation, but you will receive the details and magickal correspondences of the spell itself so you can learn about spell construction at the same time in hopes of becoming more knowledgeable and confident in attempting your own spell-creation as time goes on.


If you are facing something within yourself or in your life that you’d like some magickal assistance with in the form of spellwork but aren’t sure where to start or simply don’t feel ready to create your own spells, request your metaphysical service of custom spell creation now and let's begin. Be sure to read the below disclaimers prior to submitting your request.



Before you request a spell, there are a few things you should know…


1. There are NO guarantees on any outcomes when obtaining metaphysical services or performing spells. Not for anyone, at any time. The Universe, energies, and spirit all work in unpredictable ways and we can only influence them, not control them. Additionally, the results of any kind of spiritual working are heavily dependent on the one doing the work - your emotional state, deeper intentions, personal power, limiting beliefs, energetic qualities, etc. If you do not get the results you desire from a spell you’ve performed, it does not mean you suck as a witch or even that there’s something wrong with the spell. Practicing witchcraft is exactly that - a craft - and so it requires practice, skill development, personal mastery, and more.​


2. I do not offer metaphysical services or create spells to hex others or to cause any sort of harm to anyone or anything. My craft is based on love and the good of the majority. There are, however, alternatives to dealing with unwanted people or situations such as protection, deserved justice, or banishment spells that I am happy to create for you. If you are in this type of situation, submit your request and let’s discuss your options. Spellwork is equally about personal growth and development as it is about influencing the external world.​​


3. There are no refunds or changes made to spells that I create for you. All sales and PDF-provided spells are final and as-is. If you receive your spell and wish to modify it in any way, however, I encourage you to do so. That is a great way to strengthen your connection with your own intuition and practice creating your own spells. Each PDF will be filled with detailed correspondence information so even if you modify it to your liking, you are still receiving valuable information that I’ve put together just for you which can be added to your own book of shadows.



What to Expect

Once you submit the form below to request custom spell creation metaphysical services, you will be prompted to pay. Each custom-created spell request costs $60. Once I receive your order, watch your inbox because I will reach out to you via email to gather any additional information I need before I get started. From there, you can expect to receive your spell as a PDF attachment via email within 48 business hours. If time is a factor, please keep this timeline in mind when making your request and answering any further questions I may have.


Because each individual and presenting issue is unique, each spell will also be unique and custom-created for the requestor, his or her situation, and the desired outcome. No spell is ever entirely reused for someone else or even for the same individual toward a different purpose.


Your final PDF will include a personal message from me about your issue, the spell, how to use it, when to use it, and any other tips I have to empower your work. I will also include correspondence details so you can fully understand what each element of the spell means and the effect it has in your practice.


Again, you are free and even encouraged to modify your spell in any way you see fit though I do not take or make changes or adjustments for you. If you have any questions about your final spell, however, simply email me back and I’ll be happy to help.

Custom Spell

Lastly, it is highly encouraged that you keep a journal of your spellwork. Note down the dates and times of when you do a spell, details about your experience, and be sure to follow-up on your spells and record any related outcomes that show up after the fact. This is how you determine the success, or not, of your work and also how you can learn, grow, and develop your spiritual abilities.

Request Your Custom-Created Spell

$60 Per Spell

Which spiritual tools am I ok to incorporate into your spell?

Thank you for your order! Please watch your inbox for a message from me.

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